Party in Your Plants: 100+ Plant-Based Recipes and Problem-Solving Strategies to Help You Eat Healthier

Party in Your Plants: 100+ Plant-Based Recipes and Problem-Solving Strategies to Help You Eat Healthier 

From the entertaining author and plant-based gourmet specialist behind Party in My Plants, figure out how to remove the hellfire from smart dieting
You've bookmarked a bigger number of plans than you could make in a lifetime. Your racks are flooding with cookbooks. Your wash room has some superfoods, however they've become too stale and very dusty. So, you despite everything can't get yourself to eat directly all the time. What's more, you're pondering, "What am I fouling up?"

Wellbeing and strengthening mentor Talia Pollock is here to share some uplifting news: nothing isn't right with you. You don't have a self control insufficiency. You won't advantage from one more moment on Pinterest. Furthermore, you don't generally require another blender. Smart dieting doesn't require languishing. Or then again a dinner plan. Or on the other hand ashwaganda (except if you're into that).

Talia simply needs you to eat well more often than not, so you can feel and put your best self forward more often than not. Since isn't that the point? Is it accurate to say that we aren't guaranteed that, toward the finish of the apple-to-zucchini rainbow, there will be more noteworthy wellbeing, littler jeans, more clear skin, and endless vitality? With her open and entertaining methodology, Pollock will give you how—and everything comes down to eating more plants. Her 100 or more plans, deliberately intended for ordinary circumstances from possessing zero energy for breakfast to not having any desire to be the wellbeing nut weirdo at the potluck, include:

• Sweet-Ass Sriracha Tofu
• The Besto Pesto Pasta Bake
• Cheeseisn'ts
• Pad Thai in No Thai'm
• Pile in the Plants! Sangria

With the clever useful tidbits that Talia gives her instructing customers and fans, figure out how to party in your plants each day, without it assuming control over your kitchen, maximizing your charge card, or soaring your pressure.

About the Author
Talia Pollock is a writer, speaker, plant-based chef, TV personality, and health and empowerment coach. She's the host of the top-rated Party in My Plants podcast and the proud founder of Party in My Plants, an internationally-celebrated wellness platform that breathes fresh, funny air into the way-too-serious space of healthy living. Talia’s simple recipes and spunky lifestyle advice have been featured in outlets such as the Dr. Oz Show, The Huffington Post, mindbodygreen, Buzzfeed, Bustle, and Success. She lives in New York City with her husband and her goldendoodle, both of whom love kale and one of whom eats it off the floor.

This book is a "food" book that isn't actually about the food. And I mean that in the best way possible. Party In Your Plants is really about the PARTY part - how to make your life feel like one that's worth celebrating every single day. Talia makes the (great and accurate) argument that in order to make your life one that's worthy of a celebration, you've got to TREAT it like it is. I really appreciate that she doesn't preach Healthy Living for Healthy Living's sake - she really makes it clear that it's a tool in your toolkit to help free up mental and emotional space for you to live BIG and BOLD outside the kitchen. I also love that she's honest about the emotions surrounding food - how it really doesn't matter how "clean" you eat if you're stressed or angry about it. Her longer stories and recipe-specific anecdotes make this book feel more like a comedic memoir than a cookbook that only belongs in the kitchen. But if you wanna bring it into the kitchen (and I hope you do!)...her recipes will NOT disappoint, and are super easy to make with ingredients you probably already have on hand. A+ all-around. -Jeremy Tucker
This book is the absolute BEST plant-based book/cookbook on the market. I own several plant-based books and none compare to this! Talia is knowledgeable, hilarious, and extremely thorough and her plant mastery truly shows in the amazing recipes in this book! This book is also extremely fun to read and truly inspirational! Just looking at the photos and reading this book motivated me to eat more plants! The pages are colorful, bright, and full of mouth-watering photos, and the recipes are THE BEST! The recipes are easy, non-complicated, and absolutely delicious!! I can't say it enough, these recipes are AH-MAZING!! This book gives you all the tools you need to incorporate plenty of plant-based foods into everyday life! I truly appreciate the layout of the book, which parallels everyday life. This book is, by far, the absolute best! Everybody needs this book in their life! -Emma Becker 
With Talia, healthy eating has NEVER been so vibrant or fun and turning the pages of her cookbook laced with stories and humor is one big raucous party that certainly does take the “hell” out of healthy eating (just one of her many sticky mantras)!! I will never eat brussel sprouts without thinking of her and smiling (you’ll have to read the book for the rest of her brilliant phrases), and I realize this is perhaps her most important point: that the mood we are in as we are eating vastly impacts our digestive system and overall health and wellbeing. Simply reading her words elevates us to a state of joy and after digesting her wisdom, you might be left feeling like you spent time with your funniest friend whose bright light nourishes your soul. For this reason, her her book will remain among my cherished stack of cookbooks that bring magic and meaning to my kitchen. But don’t let Talia’s party animal spirit fool you — there are many layers of science and experience so seamlessly woven through this book in a practical way. From understanding the Dos and Don’ts to healthy eating to stocking your pantry and making the meals happen, Talia’s words are the “teaspoon of sugar that makes the medicine go down” and her book is one I will recommend to my clients and fellow moms looking to make some small but meaningful changes that have the power to transform us from the inside out. -Alicia 

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